Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety affects many dogs – sometimes they show us, sometimes you might not even know they are suffering from it.
The key is to be calm and consistent to reassure them and to strengthen your relationship with your dog. Here are some of our top tips to deal with separation anxiety:
- Teach your dog that it is ok to be alone, and that you will come back. Put them in their bed, crate, or another room and slowly build up by a few minutes each time so that they get used to having alone time.
- Leave them with some stimulating toys or interactive treat feeders to occupy them while you’re away. If they’re engaged with the treat feeder, they may just stop eating your skirting boards!
- Leaving the radio or television on can help your dog to not feel alone and as though they have company. One of our favourite tips is to search ‘dog calming music’ on Spotify or YouTube and there are playlists that can help your dog stay calm.
- You could leave an old piece of clothing in their crate or bed that smells of you, to give them some comfort.
- When you return to them after some alone time, ignore them for a few minutes, then give them a small amount of fuss. They need to learn it’s no big deal to be left alone.
- Leave them some special treats when they’re alone, such as a Kong stuffed with kibble or spray cheese, then remove them when you’re back – so the dog associates alone time with a treat.
And of course, you can always use our services – we can pop in and visit your dog if you need to be away from them for an extended period of time. We’ve looked after dogs – our own and our customers’ - for many years and are always happy to chat to you about any issues you may be facing and how we can help.
Just get in touch with us on 07716 347428 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..